Monday, January 25, 2010

Kitchen utensils

I've been gone all day to Blowing Rock for a meeting  and just got home.  I have a meeting in 5 mins., so not much time to snap a photo.  The cats are running and George is hiding, so I'm searching the house for inanimate objects.  Here are some kitchen utensils hanging over the stove.  Not great....but done!  I promise to do better when I have more time!


  1. For a last minute idea... pretty good. It could be art used on a cooking website or cooking book cover. I like the flash caught in the ladle.

  2. Thanks, Steve. You are such a good follower! Actually, the light in the ladle is a reflection from the stove hood (I don't typically use a flash since it creates such nasty color/glare). I liked the colors in the photo with the blue tones created by the spatula and on the ladle handle.
