Saturday, January 16, 2010

George and iPhone

Another day with portraits.  I can't wait until we get a new assignment.  This time, George is my subject.  Here's an image with him playing a game on his iPhone.  I have to figure out how to do better with this assignment.  I'll keep trying.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I had to do another self portrait

Our assignment in photography class this week is to do portraits.  Included in this assignment is a self portrait.  I tried a few today.  In the first one I decided to try to do a serious, sad expression.  It really didn't work at all....I looked like an ad for an anti-depressant.  It made me laugh out loud.  This one, as bad as it is, is the best I could get.  I made a quick decision to not do a close-up self portrait.  In fact I looked at a lot of self portraits today and the only good ones I could find were of babies, young, nubile beautiful people, ancient (80-90+) people whose wrinkles made them look wise or exotic people.  Normal, middle-aged women were just not in the mix.  So, I'll figure out a different way to do a self portrait and hopefully find some good friends to photograph this week.  Wish me luck..... (Actually this is the post from yesterday, but I noticed that somehow the commentary disappeared, so I tried to edit it and it reposted to today....the mystery of technology).

Self Portrait at Piano

Another day trying my hand at a self portrait.  I took several playing the piano, but liked the ones the best where only my hands showed.  Doubt this will work for class......since it's just my hands, but I thought I'd post it here anyway.  I'll be happy to move beyond self portraits!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Afternoon break

Ironically, getting ready for my photography class over the last two days (major fights with my printer!) has made it difficult for me to get behind my camera.  Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?  So, staying for another day with the theme of documenting my daily life, this represents a favorite afternoon habit when I have time to be in the house working on projects.  Also, a jolt of color after all the black & white and sepia recent images.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lights and skyline

Slim pickings tonight.....  I've been having a terrible battle with my printer today and it ate up all my time, so I only took a few shots.  This is the best of them.  We were at dinner tonight at 300 East and I noticed a reflection in the mirror over the fireplace of the Christmas wreath on their front window with a view of the Charlotte skyline in the background.  I've realized that I will definitely have days where I'm not posting something I'm too excited about, but the idea is just to keep on posting.  Right?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Making gnocchi

Last night George and I took a cooking class with some friends of ours, John and Claudia.  We were learning to make gnocchi at a local restaurant (Dolce).  We had fun playing in the flour and potatoes.  This is an image of John's and George's hands playing with the dough.  (Even though I didn't take this photo today, I took it after I decided my post for yesterday, so I'm thinking it counts!)  Plus.....I really like the image and can't use it for my composition class, since I had to crop out the bright light from the window in the back of the restaurant.  I  also like the somewhat panoramic view of the hands.  Hopefully soon our teacher will let us crop!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Morning Routine

In keeping with the theme of my daily routine, I took some pictures today of my morning routine of drying my hair and putting on makeup.  I set up the tripod and tried to get good reflections in the mirror of these little daily activities.  It was much harder than I expected.  In this shot, I thought all the shots were taken (I used a delayed shutter release with continuous shots), so I was getting up to see what images I had in the camera.  Although I can't use this for class (I had to crop it), I liked the ethereal look of this blurred image.