Friday, December 31, 2010

One last shot and I'm outta' here!

It's with sadness and joy that I post my last entry in my 365 photo blog.  It's been a wonderful experience. Have I become a better photographer than I was on 1/1/2010?  Not so sure.  But I've learned a great deal about photography and about myself.  For one thing, I've learned that I've never engaged in any art that I've found more inspiring and captivating, and I know that creating images will always be a significant part of my life.

After a few days of thought, I'll post my learnings from the year and what's next for me.  I do know that I'll keep posting when I have something worthwhile to show, just not everyday.  There may not be as many photos of my kitties or George drinking, but I know I want to keep this process in my life to some degree.

In the meantime, thanks to all of you who have followed me and given me feedback.  You've been gentle, kind and encouraging and kept me at this everyday even when I just didn't think I had it in me to post one more time.  So Happy New Year and stay tuned for future developments!

1 comment:

  1. Great job!
    It feels weird not shooting EVERYTHING now doesn't it? I keep feeling like I'm forgetting to do something... :)
